前陣子去參加在 Gandi 辦的活動,受益頗豐。 因為真心喜歡 Gandi 的服務,這邊就順便推薦一下,不論是 Simple Hosting 虛擬主機還是購買域名,我都已經使用一年多了,穩定好用! 如果你也想試試看,點擊下面的連結,可以獲得 6 個月的 Simple Hosting 主機 2.5 折優惠卷與 8 折的域名優惠。
I attended an event and met some awesome people. I like the domain name and hosting service by gandi. If you want to try, touch the link and you can get six month free Simple Hosting service and 20% domain name discount.